Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Obeying God doesn’t always protect us from evil consequences

2 chronicles 18. Obeying God doesn’t always protect us from evil consequences. Obedience may, in fact, provoke them as it does in the life of prophet Micaiah in 2 chronicles 18:6-34. It is better to suffer from people’s displeasure than from God’s wrath. If you are ridiculed for being honest, and truthful, remember that this can be a sign that you are indeed doing what is right in God’s eyes. Behind every moment of adversity in your life, there is a blessing and a lesson. You cannot separate this two from your life. When God gives you a dream, it will always be tested, the situation in your life right now has a purpose, not to overcome you but for you to defeat them. Is only pushing what is on the inside of you out. And making you discover the strength of God in you! No matter the situation, trust God, it is redeemable!

Thursday, 19 May 2022


2 timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline. Getting you to look at life, its storms and adversities from the human point of view is a trap of satan. A storm as we all know is a forceful wind that is capable of moving things out of position – those things that are capable of derailing man from his natural focus. In the book of LUKE 22:39-43. The bible says it was a holy spirit who sustained JESUS in the garden of Gethsemane when He expressed concerning the cup of suffering saying ‘LORD, Let this cup pass over me” The bible says the holy Spirit step in to remind Him, - you are not here to do your will but the will of the Father who sent you and immediately she said, let the will of God be done. If our saviour had given in to fear, the glorious salvation for mankind today, would have been robbed Whatever you want to do in life, that brings fear…push ahead, and don’t let fear overtake you. Behind that fear is the fulfilment of the glory of God. I remember in 2004 September, l was in Ghana Branch, my mentor Prophet TB Joshua of the blessed memory called me to come back to Nigeria and take a lead with two others to South Africa to organise for his coming to South Africa. Brethren, I told the prophet, l said, daddy l am afraid! Of course, is a good thing to travel but I don’t know where the fear was coming from. If l had my way, then l would have rejected it, but the prophet said to me, “No the LORD had chosen you to go for this assignment. I felt am undeserved of this grace LORD. But prophet told me, the fear l had proved the glory that lies ahead of the journey. I took the prophet by his word. Brethren l went, it was a successful journey to the glory of God. Lives were saved, nations were transformed and the name of the LORD indeed was glorified. Many had changed the history of their career through their inability to see beyond their fear. It is very important to deal with fear at the earliest stage, refuse to give place for it, l mean resist it and cast it out. Fear becomes a problem when you harbour it, entertain it and allow it to grow – then it becomes a problem. A successful person is someone who arrests his thought. The thought may come and persist in staying in your heart, but refuse to put them into words or actions and they would die unborn. Your heart is the communication point between God’s suggestion and satan's suggestion. Do not give place to the devil. Fear torments, handicaps and paralyses people's potential. Prayer: Begin to plead the blood of Jesus against every fear tormenting your life/health/career/dream. Begin to cover your decision, journey, action, behaviour, dream, and finances with the blood of Jesus Christ. Begin to confess it, I am no longer a slave to fear; l am a child of God in Jesus’ name. Amen. Good morning and win forever!

Wednesday, 18 May 2022


Proverbs 15:15 -For the despondent, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast. Brethren, our attitude color our whole personality. We cannot always choose what happens to us, but we can choose our attitude toward each situation. The secret of a happy heart is filling our mind with thoughts that are true, pure, and lovely with the thought that dwells on good things in life. Just as Apostle taught us in Philippians 4:8 to program our minds with thoughts that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and excellent. Are you having problems with your thoughts and daydreams? Examine what you are putting into your mind through what you listen to, the books you read, the conversations you make with people, the things you watch, and so on, these things have the power of influence if we are not careful. What we put in our minds determines what comes out in our words and actions. Many gave in to wrong thoughts, advice, and decisions without examine in the light of God’s Word, thereby jeopardizing their career and ruining their progress in life. Are you going through a strong decision in life right now concerning your job, marriage, career, or relationship -when you are faced with a situation, be careful of those who come with different bits of advice from the human point of view. Whatever advice you get, take it to God and be patient, let God answer you on his own schedule. As Christians, no matter the unkind treatment you may be going through at the hands of critics, in your job, school, office, or family -do not cling to wrong reasons even at the expense of your walk with God. Let your life be an example for others to follow. Romans 12:17 Never pay back evil with more evil; do things in such a way that everyone can see that you are honorable. Do not allow the devil to take you unaware! Stay steady, in an unsteady world. I pray, that the Holy Spirit of faith forgives my doubt in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray, that the Holy Spirit of love forgives my hate in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray the Holy Spirit of self-control forgives my impatience in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray the Holy Spirit of hope forgives my hopelessness in the name of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

WHAT ARE YOU SLAVE TO? – By Prophetess Yinka

1 Corinthians 15:33 says that evil company, and bad company corrupt good manners.
Many had change the history of their lives, through their inability to see beyond what controls them. What are you slave to? Is it anger, jealousy, greed, pride, impatience, or unforgiveness? These are the unrighteousness of man. In the book of Matthew 5:21, Jesus taught us about the damage this unrighteousness of man could cause to our lives if not properly managed. For example, anger is a dangerous emotion that always threatens to leap out of control, leading to violence, and emotional hurt, these had caused damage to many Christians’ lives, homes, and communities today.

Identify what is controlling you, they are dangerous emotions that had change the history of many lives, and the destiny of their career while blaming others for their self-afflicted woes. You are divorced and yet blaming someone else of been responsible. Have you searched yourself clearly for your own role? Satan uses this unrighteousness of man, to prevent you from developing a spirit pleasing to God. Brethren’s self-control is good, but don’t forget that Jesus also wants us to control our thought as well.

Check your reasoning and always ensure to see the positive side instead of focusing on doubt/suspicion/distrust. You are in control of your thoughts and actions. Your focus creates your feelings. A Christian must be careful about what he is looking at because what he is looking at can influence his thoughts and his thoughts can influence his future actions.

Because the coming of our Lord Jesus is fast approaching, let us be more conscious of our lives each day. Refuse today, to get ensnared by satan’s tactic and strategy. You are a Promise Child.

By the mercy of the LORD, whatever spirit that cage your reasoning, be released in the name of Jesus Christ!
Be it the spirit of doubt, anger, sickness, poverty – be released in the name of Jesus Christ. Whatever spirit that enslaves you; begin to rebuke it now: anger, impatience; jealously; greed; the pain of the past – begin to rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus Christ!


WHAT ARE YOU SLAVE TO? – By Prophetess Yinka

1 Corinthians 15:33 says that evil company, and bad company corrupt good manners.
Many had change the history of their lives, through their inability to see beyond what controls them. What are you slave to? Is it anger, jealousy, greed, pride, impatience, or unforgiveness? These are the unrighteousness of man. In the book of Matthew 5:21, Jesus taught us about the damage this unrighteousness of man could cause to our lives if not properly managed. For example, anger is a dangerous emotion that always threatens to leap out of control, leading to violence, and emotional hurt, these had caused damage to many Christians’ lives, homes, and communities today.

Identify what is controlling you, they are dangerous emotions that had change the history of many lives, and the destiny of their career while blaming others for their self-afflicted woes. You are divorced and yet blaming someone else of been responsible. Have you searched yourself clearly for your own role? Satan uses this unrighteousness of man, to prevent you from developing a spirit pleasing to God. Brethren’s self-control is good, but don’t forget that Jesus also wants us to control our thought as well.

Check your reasoning and always ensure to see the positive side instead of focusing on doubt/suspicion/distrust. You are in control of your thoughts and actions. Your focus creates your feelings. A Christian must be careful about what he is looking at because what he is looking at can influence his thoughts and his thoughts can influence his future actions.

Because the coming of our Lord Jesus is fast approaching, let us be more conscious of our lives each day. Refuse today, to get ensnared by satan’s tactic and strategy. You are a Promise Child.

By the mercy of the LORD, whatever spirit that cage your reasoning, be released in the name of Jesus Christ!
Be it the spirit of doubt, anger, sickness, poverty – be released in the name of Jesus Christ. Whatever spirit that enslaves you; begin to rebuke it now: anger, impatience; jealously; greed; the pain of the past – begin to rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus Christ!



1 Corinthians 15:33 says that evil company, and bad company corrupt good manners. Many had change the history of their lives, through their inability to see beyond what controls them. What are you slave to? Is it anger, jealousy, greed, pride, impatience, or unforgiveness? These are the unrighteousness of man. In the book of Matthew 5:21, Jesus taught us about the damage this unrighteousness of man could cause to our lives if not properly managed. For example, anger is a dangerous emotion that always threatens to leap out of control, leading to violence, and emotional hurt, these had caused damage to many Christians’ lives, homes, and communities today. Identify what is controlling you, they are dangerous emotions that had change the history of many lives, and the destiny of their career while blaming others for their self-afflicted woes. You are divorced and yet blaming someone else of been responsible. Have you searched yourself clearly for your own role? Satan uses this unrighteousness of man, to prevent you from developing a spirit pleasing to God. Brethren’s self-control is good, but don’t forget that Jesus also wants us to control our thought as well. Check your reasoning and always ensure to see the positive side instead of focusing on doubt/suspicion/distrust. You are in control of your thoughts and actions. Your focus creates your feelings. A Christian must be careful about what he is looking at because what he is looking at can influence his thoughts and his thoughts can influence his future actions. Because the coming of our Lord Jesus is fast approaching, let us be more conscious of our lives each day. Refuse today, to get ensnared by satan’s tactic and strategy. You are a Promise Child. By the mercy of the LORD, whatever spirit that cage your reasoning, be released in the name of Jesus Christ! Be it the spirit of doubt, anger, sickness, poverty – be released in the name of Jesus Christ. Whatever spirit that enslaves you; begin to rebuke it now: anger, impatience; jealously; greed; the pain of the past – begin to rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus Christ!


1 Corinthians 15:33 says that evil company, and bad company corrupt good manners. Many had change the history of their lives, through their inability to see beyond what controls them. What are you slave to? Is it anger, jealousy, greed, pride, impatience, or unforgiveness? These are the unrighteousness of man. In the book of Matthew 5:21, Jesus taught us about the damage this unrighteousness of man could cause to our lives if not properly managed. For example, anger is a dangerous emotion that always threatens to leap out of control, leading to violence, and emotional hurt, these had caused damage to many Christians’ lives, homes, and communities today. Identify what is controlling you, they are dangerous emotions that had change the history of many lives, and the destiny of their career while blaming others for their self-afflicted woes. You are divorced and yet blaming someone else of been responsible. Have you searched yourself clearly for your own role? Satan uses this unrighteousness of man, to prevent you from developing a spirit pleasing to God. Brethren’s self-control is good, but don’t forget that Jesus also wants us to control our thought as well. Check your reasoning and always ensure to see the positive side instead of focusing on doubt/suspicion/distrust. You are in control of your thoughts and actions. Your focus creates your feelings. A Christian must be careful about what he is looking at because what he is looking at can influence his thoughts and his thoughts can influence his future actions. Because the coming of our Lord Jesus is fast approaching, let us be more conscious of our lives each day. Refuse today, to get ensnared by satan’s tactic and strategy. You are a Promise Child. By the mercy of the LORD, whatever spirit that cage your reasoning, be released in the name of Jesus Christ! Be it the spirit of doubt, anger, sickness, poverty – be released in the name of Jesus Christ. Whatever spirit that enslaves you; begin to rebuke it now: anger, impatience; jealously; greed; the pain of the past – begin to rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus Christ!

Monday, 16 May 2022

Strength in Grace! - By Prophetesss Yinka

Brethren, are you looking for Heaven here on earth, with nothing punching you, poking you, distracting you? If so, then you are walking against what the Bible says in John 16:33: ‘In this world, you will have many troubles, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world for you.’ In Philippians 4:11-13 Apostle Paul said, ‘I know what it is to face unfavorable situations such as condemnation, and what it is to live in the midst of abundance and praise. I have learned this secret, so that anywhere, at any time, I am content, whether I am full or hungry, whether I am praised or condemned. I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.’ Are you going through the harsh realities of life? Rejoice, for that is the beauty of the journey of success! Brethren, those whom Christ designs to admit to the most intimate acquaintance with Him, first makes sense to appreciate how undeserving of His grace they ordinarily are. Remember, Jesus loves you so much to leave you broken. If the strength was so sufficient for Paul, it would be sufficient for you to face all worries of life that may come on your way. The end has not come, the best is yet to come. By the mercy of the LORD, your weakness shall be turned to the strength of God. I pray that the irresistible hand of God continues to lead you through whatever life brings in Jesus’ name. Amen.

See Beyond Your Situation – By Prophetess Yinka

James 1:1-12 We all need the wisdom to handle our situation because we may not know whether the unpalatable situation, we are going through are part of the events that will usher us into our divine destiny. In James 1:5 James was talking not only about knowledge but about the ability to make a wise decision in difficult circumstances. When God is executing His plans in our lives, He also designs and arranges events that will continue to unfold until His purpose is revealed in our lives. Those events could be trial, persecution, sickness, or humiliation. Remember, God oftentimes visits His people in hard times so that they may learn His way. In Genesis 39, when Joseph found himself in prison, the Bible says, he did not allow the prison condition to overwhelm him. He knew that for him to be the source of freedom to his people, he had to taste imprisonment. The bible says he learned obedience through his rejection, embarrassment, temptation, and lies. Those who see beyond their immediate situation do not despair in the face of seeming disappointment. God arranged the events of Daniel in exile when he was faced with the reality of life. A captive, a slave who was supposed to be seen and not to be heard, Daniel was condemned to die in a den of hungry lions, but he looked at his situation by faith and he saw redemption, he saw freedom and God shut the mouth of the lions. When you see beyond your pain, God will manifest to you the benefit of His great salvation. No matter the situation, always remember that when we accept adversity, enduring every pain, then we would learn what we should know; our grief will turn to gain. Brethren, be encouraged that in every situation, God is saying something. By the mercy of the LORD, whatever situation you may be going through right now, receive the strength of salvation. Whatever situation threatening your peace, by the mercy of the LORD, receive the happiness of Salvation. Amen!